Revitalize Your Body with Chiropractic
Harness the power of alignment for holistic wellness.
Chiropractic Medicine
Chiropractic medicine encompasses both manual and instrument-assisted techniques for adjusting the spine and limbs. Known as the "adjustment," this method, utilized by Dr. Vaid, addresses fixated or restricted joints. Chiropractic manipulation aims to alleviate pain, diminish stress, improve posture, enhance blood circulation, facilitate motion and bodily functions, aid in recovery from injuries (both athletic and non-athletic), and offers benefits for a wide range of individuals. Dr. Vaid emphasizes an evidence-based approach to chiropractic medicine and manipulation as crucial. Within this appointment- an appropriate supplemental treatment is recommended such as soft tissue mobilization, acupuncture, cupping, electrical stimulation, low level light therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, active rehab/ stretching and manual therapy.
Dr. Kamal Vaid
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